Shooter Jennings' Recipe for a Good Song: One Part Neil Young

Shooter Jennings, Waylon Jennings son, has a new album out titled "Put the O Back in Country".
As Sean Daly in the Washington Post puts it, the album title is a direct challenge to the Nashville establishment: "more a demand than a helpful suggestion -- is a shotgun blast of rock and rebellion aimed at shaking up the crossover kings and queens occupying prime real estate on Music Row."
Daly continues in the review:
"George Jones and Hank Williams Jr. bookend the disc with loopy testimonials, and Jennings takes plenty of time name-dropping his heroes throughout. He even gives a shout-out to his father on the opening title track, a bawdy midtempo stomp bound to replace Garth Brooks's "Friends in Low Places" as a last-call jukebox fave.
His recipe for the perfect song:"You take a little country and a little rock and roll
A little Neil Young and little George Jones
A little Merle Haggard and little bit of the Stones
Add a little Cash and a whole lotta Waylon."
It's nice to hear a country crooner praise a parent, especially since the oft-troubled Hank Williams III sings as if his grandfather were the only family member who mattered."
Sounds like quite a recipe for success.
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