Kathleen Edwards: Like Tom Petty Touched by some of Neil Young's Ragged Glory

Kathleen Edwards new release Back To Me is out and definitely worth checking out. And not just she's been influenced by another Candian singer-songwriter.
From a review in the Washington Post by Joshua Klein:
"The world will never be at a loss for singer-songwriters, at least not as long as there's heartbreak and heartache. Canada's Kathleen Edwards may rely on those familiar themes, but with her biting lyrics and nuanced inflection she rarely lets the listener off easy even at her most effortless sounding.
Much of the disc stomps along like Tom Petty touched by some of Neil Young's ragged glory, but Edwards is often at her best when she's at her most subdued. Her sad voice takes center stage on the mournful "Pink Emerson Radio" (which wonders which one memento to take from a burning house) and "Away," with its pithy and potent admission, "Memory is a terrible thing." Then rather than end the album on an upbeat note, Edwards chooses ambiguity with the bittersweet "Good Things," full of mystery, loneliness and maybe a hint of hope. But just a hint."
From interview of Kathleen Edwards in Toronto Sun (via largehearted boy:
"I don't think people should automatically love you just because you're from here, but I think there's 'the Canadian syndrome,' and I think everyone else is catching on to it -- that we don't appreciate our musical acts until they do well somewhere else."
Kathleen Edwards is scheduled to appear May 13 at the Birchmere, Alexandria, VA so we'll definitely be trying to catch the show.

Hmmm. There's something familiar about the cover of Kathleen Edwards Back To Me. Maybe Andrew Wyeth's "Christina' World"?
Alan Light stated that Kathleen Edwards CD "Rocks even harder and digs even deeper than her debut"
Is this clown on drugs? Her CD has one rock tune. The rest of it is Enya wanna-be tunes , no more than that, period. Up your meds clown!
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