Pearl Jam's cover of Dylan's "Masters of War" Download

Pearl Jam has donated their live cover of Bob Dylan's "Masters of War" from their Bridge School Benefit concert 2003 appearance to a worthy cause. The song is available as a download from Must Vote.
To download you need to get someone who is not yet registered to vote to get off his or her butt and register!
Also, Pearl Jam have contributed "Betterman" from their 2003 Bridge School performance to the benefit album entitled, "For The Lady: Dedicated to freeing Aung San Suu Kyi and the courageous people of Burma" to be released by Rhino Records on October 26. Proceeds from the sale of this double CD which features 27 tracks by a variety of caring artists will benefit the non-profit group US Campaign For Burma. Details of Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi's fourteen year long house arrest under the brutal military dictatorship of Burma are available at Campaign For Burma.
How cool is that?
That's a great site for a great cause.
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