Steve Earle Starts The Revolution

Photos by Thrasher
Earlier this evening we saw Steve Earle at a record release event for the album The Revolution Starts.. Now at Borders book store in downtown Washington, DC.
Earle performed for nearly an hour on acoustic guitar and a couple of harmonicas. The fairly large audience seemed to be in a revolutionary mood and overflowed onto the staircase, spilling onto the main floor upstairs.
Opening the set with "F the CC", Earle spit out the lyrics:
So fuck the FCC
Fuck the FBI
Fuck the CIA
Living in the motherfuckin' USA
When he concluded the song, he acknowledged that he was performing only a few blocks from the White House, FBI, and FCC, by saying that he "wanted to get that song out of the way before he was arrested."
Shortly thereafter, when he saw 2 very young children with their mother, he apologized for the profanity in the song. Then he commented, "I figure it's better that they learn to cuss from me rather than Vice President Dick Cheney". This brought a round of laughter and loud applause.

From there on Steve had the crowd in his hand as he played several more songs from the new album including "The Revolution Starts.. Now" and "Rich Man's War". Before playing "Rich Man's War", Earle said that he wrote the song first and then realized he needed to write a bunch more in order to have an album in time for the election. He went on to comment about the writing process and his passion for making the album.
As strange as it might sound, Earle professed his deep love of country and explained that this album was made out of a desparate hope that it might help steer the U.S. back to a time of greater tolerance for freedom of expression.
After the set, we had our CD autographed by Steve which was cool. We even got the CD a day before it's official release tomorrow.

I asked Steve about going to New York City next week for the Republican convention and he said he would be there. But he was really going to seeing his favorite baseball team - the New York Yankees.

Lastly, The Orlando Sentinel calls Earle "a 21st century Woody Guthrie." From largehearted boy - a boy, a girl and his radio. Also, Steve Earle is the "Artists of the Week" on internet radio station on Live365 - Mansion On The Hill. Tune in. More on Steve Earle's music and political views.
Just got the CD it is indeed the political CD of 2004! I dig Steve Earle and have seen him about 6 times in concert. I didn't think he would top Jerusalem...looks like he did! great blog, glad you're here.
Houston, Texas
shank for me condi---
have you heard Todd Sniders new CD-- east nashville skyline?
great song on this CD- "conservative christian, right-wing republican, straight, white, american males"
yeah, that's the songs title HA!
I liked Steve Earle much better when he was on heroine. He has lost all credibility and has become the laughing stock of the country crowd. Go back to the 60's you Hypocrite
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